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OSD VSTASP1 following the guide, trouble with PXE-Point in SCCM

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i following you excellent guide (Vista SP1 OSD SCCM) and are struggeling in part 1.


firstly i installed the WDS role on server 2008, reboot and make everything analog to your guide and the screenshots. (wds pxe timing, ports etc.)


after install the MDT package at the same machine and do the "integration into sccm button", i click the pxe-point button (mdt) to configure the .vbs, but there is a red sign

on the screen, that tell me "no correct installation"....



any hints about that? because i can do a new pxe-point inside the sccm, but with no functionality.


sorry for this bad english :-)

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remove the PXE filter and add it again, if its windows server 2008 start the action by right clicking and choose to Run the MDT PXE filter with ADministrative priviledges

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there is one more proplem with the (WDS and PXE-Point) section.


finishing your "OSD Vista" guide with all steps, many thanks for that, but when i start the target computer,


the SCCM 2007 R2 machine is running, logs are well, and the target computer get a IP from it, but after this the PXE message said:


"Proxy DHCP service did not reply to request on port 4011" ...


any suggestions?

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