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Apps in RAP - Show up late

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Hi - Our setup is SCCM 2007 R2. We are in the process of upgrading over 20000 computers to Win 7. The project is going on smoothly. We are one issue with the deployment process. Explained below:


The image deployment goes smoothly. After that we have over 2500 application advertised through RAP for various users based on their OU. All the apps through SCCM are working fine - unfortunately the issue is applications takes a while to show up in RAP (Run advertised Program). Sometime it takes over 15 minutes to show up. Is their any configuration change that, I can make on the Server or Client side to get the apps show up in RAP immediately.


I tried Machine and User Policy from RAP. No luck.


Appreciate your help.



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All applications assigned to the user will show up in RAP - User will select each applications and click run to complete the install process. The entire isntall is SILENT.


What logs do i need to look for? Please note the applications do show up in RAP after a delay of 15 minutes. I want the applications to show up immediately upon user login.

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