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Adding Windows Updates (not deployment)

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Hey so I'm still new at SCCM 2012

I've made a windows 7 enterprise SP1 task.
I use it for PXE boots, I have added a bunch of drivers and some packages including office
and it seems to be working..
after about 1 hour of silently installing I get a fully working win 7 with office and acrobat etc.

But I also get 130 windows updates to install each time.


At this point I'm not worried about monthly deploying, or anything like that
when I get this running on a domain eventually thats the way I wanna go
But right now I just wanna add the already released 130 win 7 updates to my installation process.
So that the user won't have to do this..

I can't seem to find any guides regarding this, I only found one for deploying with a direct link to windows updates..
thats not what I'm trying to do.

Ask if I'm not making any sense


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