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CM2012 SP1 CU1 OSD General Questions

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Hi everyone,


first post here and I have a couple of questions concerning the OSD process (capture and install).


With CM2012 SP1 came the change, that you could no longer use WAIK but instead, had to install WADK. With this change came the requirement to use the original install.wim from all OS prior Windows 8/Server 2012. Allthough it's written on the corresponding technet page (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj591552.aspx#BKMK_WhatsNewSP1_Software), my collegues say it is still possible to use the original install source in SCCM and install and capture a system by simply creating a Task Sequence with the install wim, then editing the TS and switching to the installer. So far so good.


But when I try to install Server 2008 non R2, the task sequence fails at the ConfigMgr Client Install step, always. To me, this looks like default dehaviour, because I shouldn't be using the original installer. Then again, the collegues swear it works.


So my questions are:


1. Can I use the WAIK and WADK at the same time to enable original installer usage?

2. How can I get the original installer setup to work in a TS?

3. Does anyone know why it is not possible to get Server 2008 SP1 x86 to install to C:\ when using the install.wim, even though OSDPreserveDriveLetter is set to false? (Works on 2008 R2 and Win7, no problems).


Cheers for your help,



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