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OS Deployed on D drive instead of C drive

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Hi Guys,


I am running task sequence and it work fine except one thing, by default installation take placed in D Drive, I try to force setting to deploy in C drive but it is not working, I have read few blogs and they have recommended as follow but no luck in my case;


Under Task Sequence:

Apply Operating system:

Destination--Specific logical drive letter

Drive Letter: C:


Any help will be appreciate, thanks in advanced,







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Hi PRaj,



Since this is posted in the SCCM 2007 forum, is it safe to assume you're running that environment? If so, and you're using the install.wim option to install a clean copy of Windows 7 as part of your OSD, I believe that's an expected behavior. The only way I know of around that is to build your own wim file and use that during deployment.





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