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SMS_Site_Component_Manager , Critical Status

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Hello all,

Planing to Upgrade Configuration Manager 2012 to Configuration Manager 2012 SP1, check Online , one of the prerequisite is to "No Error".

and i have 1 erorr. but if i ignore this error, my Configuration Manager 2012 still working fine with this error. but just want to fix it.


please any Adivice


Configuration Manager cannot update the already existing object "cn=SMS-MP-BUF-TEST.LOCAL" in Active Directory (TEST.LOCAL).
Possible cause: The site server's machine account may not have full control rights for the "System Management" container in Active Directory
Solution: Give the site server's machine account full control rights to the "System Management" container, and all child objects in Active Directory.
Possible cause: The Active Directory object "cn=SMS-MP-BUF-TEST.LOCAL" has been moved to a location outside of the "System Management" container, or has been lost.
Solution: Delete the object from its current location, and let the site create a new object.
Possible cause: The Active Directory schema has not been extended with the correct ConfigMgr Active Directory classes and attributes.
Solution: Turn off Active Directory publishing for each site in the forest, until the schema can be extended. The schema can be extended with the tool "extadsch.exe" from the installation media.

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