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Can't PXE Boot

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I built a new secondary site server. It is running SCCM 2007 R3. I have checked and doubled checked that all perms are setup correctly and it has all the things it needs. IIS, BITS, remote diff compression, WebDav, R3. And the machine account has rights to the parent site DB and the machine account is a member of the needed AD groups to give it Admin rights on all required servers. In fact this secondary site is setup exactly like our other secondary sites (which all work)


Each time I try to F12 a machine I get PXE-MOF Exiting Intel PXE ROM OS not found error.


I've looked at the logs on the secondary site and they all say PXE is working properly. I looked in the System Status Messages and I see this over and over.


The SMS PXE Service Point encountered an unknown device.
Device MAC Address:00:50:56:A7:01:27 SMBIOS GUID:3EA72742-0A8C-D55A-2C66-BB20A72C145A.
I've checked with our network team and they said everything is enabled on their end for DHCP to handle PXE requests.
What am I missing or where else should I look?

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