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Understanding Problems... :-/

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I am installing the SCCM 2012 Enviroment and have still some questions.


1. do i need a Task Sequence for "Build and Capture Image" and an "Install an existing image package" to deploy WinOS? Or can i just take one of them? for example the "Install an existing image package"?

What is the difference between this two?


2. About Collections: If i have a task sequence and i deploy this one to the distribution point, can i distribut it to the "all System Collation" or have i to distribut it to the "unknown Computers"?


many thanks for your Help :rolleyes:

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1.Build and Capture: if you just have the DVD of the windows and you still need to install specific applications and updates Using SCCM ,this process will install Image from scratch and then capture it.

install existing Image: AFter the Capture Process from the step above you'll get an Image (WIM file) that has your Windows Settings configured and needed applications installed


2.task sequence is deployed to unknown computers

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2. That depends on how your organization handles new machines. You could add the new machine to a different collection where you've deployed your TS, you would just need to know the MAC address of the computer. But the easiest way, imo, is to do it like AmrelMahdy said. That's the way I do it.

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