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Task Sequence - No Operating Systems

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I'm new in SCCM and now I'm at the point that I want to create my first task sequence for a build and capture Windows 7 Pro x64.

When I create a Task Sequence with build and capture I can choose the boot images but not the operating systems:





While I can see the boot images a step before that:





I Imported Windows 7 from a netwerkshare correctly and created correctly a distribution point for Windows 7 (Succes):




I have a Network Access Account verified.


Maybe I forgot something in the configuration? I can't find a way to see the Operating Systems in the Task Sequence.

Hope you guys could help me in the right direction.





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Thanks for your answer Peter but are you sure that that is needed for a build and capture?

I Follow this guide: http://www.windows-noob.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6353-using-system-center-2012-configuration-manager-part-7-build-and-capture-windows-7-x64-sp1/


And they didn't mention to add a Operating System Image (Only the OS installer what I did)

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