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Phantom package

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I suddenly have a Chrome package/app showing up in Software Centre that fails to install. I've gone through all of my packages and applications in ConfigMgr and it doesn't exist. I checked my PC \ccmcache folder and located the source files. These source files don't exist on the server. I find the app's ContentID in AppDiscovery.log and, on the SCCM server, trace through \SCCMContentLib to find the PackageID and install files. Going by the ID number this is an old version that was discarded up to a year ago. It doesn't exist in ConfigMgr but does on the distribution points and is showing up in the client's Software Centre.


Under these circumstances, how do I completely remove it from the system? Some kind of manual distribution point cleanup?

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I had similar issues in my LAB where 1 box with SCCM and all roles. I would delete an application that was previously deployed to a device collection and it would still show up in Software Center of clients. The only way I found to fix it was to delete all application deployments for that perticular device collection. Then I would re deploy the desired applications.

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