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Software Update Group and Deployment Management Question


I have been working with SCCM 2012 SP1 and I feel like the current process I am using for Software Updates is a bit messy. I have a few questions about whether or not I am doing it right/best practice or just to find out how others are doing it. Here is how my environment is laid out.

My device collection uses the naming convention of "SUG : OS : Domain : Purpose." So examples of my names would be SUG : Windows 2008 : Production : DC, SUG : Windows 2008 : Production : App, etc.

For my Software Update Groups, I first search All Software Updates with the Product, Superseded=No, Expired=No, Update Classification=Critical or Security and Required=1. I then take those results and create a group named 2013-09 Windows 2008, 2013-10 Windows 2008, etc. So basically, it is the year and month and the OS version. When I deploy them, I make the deployment name a combination of both names. So basically, for the September 2008 updates, the deployment name will be "2013-09 : SUG : Windows 2008 : Domain : App." I also never modify the deployments once they are out there. So the 2013-09 updates would have a required installation date and time of 9/21 and I never go back and modify that.

I am currently building Software Update Groups for Windows 2003, 2008, 2013, XP, 7 and 8, Lync/Office/Silverlight, Lync Server 2010, Exchange 2010 and SCVMM 2012. As you can imagine, having one package for each of those a month is extremely messy when you look at the Software Update Groups. Granted, I can do a search for something like 2013-09 and get the ones from the month, but overall there are a lot of groups.

I guess at the end of the day, I would ask the following questions.

  1. Is the current setup I am using normal? Am I really going to have this many update groups constantly with no end in site?
  2. Should I be going back and modifying the previous deployments to just being available?
  3. Would the suggestion be to create a yearly or baseline Software Update Group and once the updates are installed, move them to this Baseline group and then destroy the one that I had originally created?
Any assistance...even if it was just one question or idea...would be potentially helpful and I would appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.

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