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SCCM 2012 Query Help

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I'm looking for a little help creating a query statement to create a collection to look for software from a specific publisher that has been installed within the last 30 days.


I can get the collection to show all the machines with desired publishers software but I'm struggling to refine it to the last 30 days. Would a be better off using a report for this? If so then help with the query for that would be appreciated.



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my SCCM server works fine but i´m a SQL noob. My boss wants an overview where he can see installed Microsoft products for the members of different collections. There is already a very nice report in

Asset Intelligence with the name License 01A - Microsoft Volume License ledger for Microsoft license statements. You can choose a collection and it shows the quantity of installed MS Products.
But my boss doesnt want to choose the collection, he wants new columns with the collections. I tried to edit the existing report License 01A - Microsoft Volume License ledger for Microsoft license statements with integrated SQL Server 2008, report Builder 2.0 but i have no idea how to work with it and how to add the columns.
Any expert who can help me ?
This is the query for the column inventoried quantity. Do i only have to add a collection ID from which i want to show the results ? I don´t want to choose the collection in the menu. The collection should always be in this report

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can you paste the SQL query here ?


Select t.FamilyName AS [Licensed Family Name],

t.ProductName AS [Licensed Product Name],

t.VersionCode AS [Version Code],

t.ChannelCode AS [Channel],

t.InventoryCount AS [inventoried Quantity],

@CollectionID AS [Collection ID]

from dbo.fnInventoriedSoftware(@CollectionID,@ChannelCode,NULL) t

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Thanks for this reply, I'm not very experiences with SQL, which parts of that do I need to change to change whit my own data? Just the Collection ID? Also is there a way a way to display a publisher column and only show the desired publishers?



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