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Recommended setup for 10k emploee's and 80 offices

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Had a question with regards to how many primary, secondary or distribution points you recommend.


Here is our layout.

We have about 10,000 employee's with 80 offices.

all offices have around 100 to 250 employee's accept for 4 offices.

Chicago = 650 employee's

New York = 500 employee's

Boston and Minneapolis = 400 employee's

Our primary and SQL server will be in our DataCenter which is its own site.


So is there any issue just installing distribution points (servers) in all offices or should we consider putting a secondary server in New York and Chicago?

If we placed a secondary server in both location do they need there own SQL server?

What type of issues would we run into if we just installed distribution points in Chicago and New York?


Thanks in advance for any help.



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A primary site in your main location, and remote distribution points in all other offices should be fine. I believe it's recommended to install a secondary site in remote offices which have 500-1000+ users and/or if the link is extremely slow (i.e. you have no WAN acceleration in place, e.g. Riverbed).


I would go for remote DPs in all remote offices and monitor the traffic on the larger offices. If needed I think you could install a secondary site instead.

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