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Stian M.

Deployment failed - error 0x643 (1603)

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Currently trying to deploy an application "Lightroom 5.2" to a device collection.

We've done the packaging ourselves, and installation to our test machines - just by installing from the .msi straight out gives no errors.


However, deploying this .msi to this one client in the collection gives the error "Deployment failed" - Error 0x643 (1603). When it's not in the error status, as it currently is - it says "Content downloaded" - Status type: In progress. I guess it's shifting between these two statuses.


As a part of the troubleshooting, I've added the parameter "/l*v C:\temp\lightroom.log" to the msi installation to see if I can find some more information from verbose logging. The strange part is that there is no "lightroom.log" located in C:\temp on the client.

I'm guessing that this means that the installation actually never starts?


Other than that, I'm actually quite stuck. Don't know where else to look, which log files etc.

Any tips/hints is greatly appreciated! :)





Stian M.

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Snip from execmgr.log on the client. Can't see any relevant information here.

CServiceWindowEventHandler::Execute - Received SERVICEWINDOWEVENT : END Event execmgr 24.10.2013 05:00:00 7904 (0x1EE0)

The user has logged off. execmgr 24.10.2013 16:46:09 6484 (0x1954)

A user has logged on. execmgr 25.10.2013 07:47:41 2588 (0x0A1C)

The logged on user is *username* execmgr 25.10.2013 07:47:41 2588 (0x0A1C)

The user has logged off. execmgr 25.10.2013 08:03:44 5236 (0x1474)

A user has logged on. execmgr 25.10.2013 08:09:43 1680 (0x0690)

The logged on user is *username* execmgr 25.10.2013 08:09:43 1680 (0x0690)

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