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OS date jump to 06/19/2030

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I encountered a discouraging problem days ago. Some days ago, My SCCM 2012 server was lost power unexpectedly. When power on the system the system date jump to 6/19/2030. How can i re-correct system date and time?


Now I manually change date and time, but SCCM server shows inactive in SCCM and SMS_SITE_SYSTEM_STATUS_SUMMARIZER report MP is 0 byte.


DC installed on Hyper-V which is guest of SCCM server and integration time service is enabled, so DC and SCCM's date and time are all jumped.


How to resume site to normal status?

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Yes, I correct all server date and time, also try reboot several time.


Util now I found below problems:


2. Management point shows 0 KB on [site status].

2. If I import a single computer to SCCM, it will not be updated to Devices database.

1. WSUS synchronous failed.

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When I try to restore my primary site using a backup, it only can restore database.

But failure occurred due to database exiting.


Note from TechNet : When Setup detects an existing Configuration Manager site on the server, you can start a site recovery, but the recovery options for the site server are limited. For example, if you run Setup on an existing site server, when you choose recovery, you can recover the site database server, but the option to recover the site server is disabled.



Do I need to uninstall my primary site first?

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