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moving from mdt 2007 to sccm 2012

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Followed and seen plenty of how to set up each component videos but trying to get my head around some more practical howto scenairos.

In my current MDT environment I use the windows 7 install.wim in a task sequence, add drivers and packages and include list of application installers (silent setup commands) that live in the mdt the windows update to get a running system (about 30-40 mins).

In SCCM 2012 I can see how users and devices can receive applications or packages and how a vanilla OS is deployed and could see how you could 'package' a bundle of applications and deploy them but I am a little confused as the most appropriate way to string the methods together.


What I want is something like:

computer with brand X (say HP 6430p) needs a reimage,

PXE boot or run Software Centre (if its already on the network and running)

Choose the task sequence (or auto select like in mdt?)

Windows 7 Image loads on it

Drivers Loaded from a %MAKE% variable

Packages load (IE10 and SCCM Client and maybe some others)


Applications load in sequence (currently have 6 builds - 15 to 45 applications depending on build)

Reboots at vairous stages

User then Logs on to a machine and loads their 'own' apps


Is this kind of thing best achevied in a single task sequence or are there better methods.

Any pointers to how to better put sccm together would be great

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