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Device collections stopped updating

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Looking for a little help and I haven't found one that works with my situation. We have SCCM 2012 running and I am learning on the fly. I have a number of device collections setup based on AD groups. In the past when I moved a PC into an AD group the corresponding device collection would update. However today, the device collections have stopped updating in SCCM, in fact two new computers we added to the domain don't show up anywhere in SCCM right now. I've looked at the colleval.log, but it looks normal. I've rebooted the SCCM server as well and the collections still aren't updating. Both the site status and the component status are green across the board. I've checked replication across our DC's and that looks normal as well. Can someone help point me in the right direction? I'm willing to post log files; just let me know which one(s). Thanks in advance!

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Maybe you could query the MAC address to see if the machines are in the database at all.

select SMS_R_System.MACAddresses, SMS_R_System.Name, SMS_R_System.ResourceId from  SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.MACAddresses like ##PRM:SMS_R_System.MACAddresses##

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Some more info to add:

  • I've tried building a new device collection; but that just returns the computers that were already in the AD group, it didn't pick up the computers that I moved into the AD group yesterday.
  • I kicked off a Full Discovery from the Discovery Methods->Active Directory System Discovery, again computers that I added yesterday do not show up.
  • I am able to manually add a computer using its MAC address and then push the client down. But the computer only shows up in the All Systems Collection; it does not show up in the device collection for the corresponding OU that it is in on AD.

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Some scenarios i've run into in our environment where Collections aren't updating seemed to revolve around:


1) someone creating a complex collection query -- restarting the smsexec service on the site server resolves this....

2) too many incremental updates in your collections.

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