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Windows 8.1 Support in CM07

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So i know that update KB2861663 adds support for Windows 8.1 in CM07 but how do you run this. I am assuming you run it on the site server but it looks like it doesn't create a new Client package like the KB for support in Windows 8.0 required to update clients to 2207...........is this correct that there is no need to update the clients? Also, is it just site servers or do you need to apply this update to the DP's as well? There is so little information on how to apply this update from Microsoft.

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In my brief experience with this hotfix, if you manually install it requests that the server is rebooted even though the MS article states it doesn't require one. If you run the install with a silent switch it doesn't request a reboot (no doubt because it is silent!).


My primary server now gives the option to select Windows 8.1 as an OS when targeting to specific OS version, however, the advert is declined when logging onto an Windows 8.1 device. It is rejected due to the wrong platform!!! So, I am not sure whether the server needs a reboot or whether there is bug. If you select that the package can be installed on any OS platform, then it quite happily installs the package on the Windows 8.1 device.


One thing to note. When checking the SCCM report for machines by OS it reports that Windows 8.1 Enterprise is installed. Checking the collection and the properties of the machine, it reports NT Workstation 6.3 (Tablet Edition). Maybe a red herring, or maybe SCCM doesn't recognise this version of Windows 8.1? I would have thought and hoped it would take this device to be a Windows 8.1 device.


Little frustrating at present. Once I have rebuilt my lab to 2007 SP2, I will test with a Win 8.1 VM to see how it behaves.

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