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Task Sequence for applications only

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Is it possible to make an Task Sequence that runs like an OSD but doesn't do anything but install Packages I have created?


Basically I have a bunch of packages I have created and im testing to see if they will work during an OSD but I don't want to wait 30 mins each time to test them out.


I have tried making a custom TS and only having nothing but install package tasks and I am able to see it when i PXE boot but when it start it crashes and says "this step must be running in full OS"


Is what I am trying to do possible and if so am I doing it wrong?



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Sure you can.


Do like this (was a while ago that I created this myself so I might not remember everything):


1. Create a new custom task sequence and choose your boot image of choice. If you want to evaluate any TS variables just add a "Use Toolkit Package" and "Gather" step at the beginning.


2. Add your packages to the TS.


3. Deploy the TS to a device collection but make it only available to SCCM clients (and NOT pxe).


4. Add your test machine to the device collection. Done!


Johan Arwidmark had an excellent session on this years MMS, it was the "ConfigMgr Experts Panel" if I'm not mistaken. He showed how you can test scripts in a TS like this as well. Basically you make sure a "Use Toolkit Package" and "Gather" step is first in the TS. Then you start a cmd.exe with the ServiceUI so it's started as the account that's actually running the TS in a normal scenario. Very handy if you want to test scripts in a TS over and over again without having to image the machine every time.



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