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All inventoried files on specific computer report - add Owner property

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Good Day. Need some advice, i have SCCM 2012 R2 in production and there is one question.

We have standart report in SCCM - "All inventoried files on a specific computer", in Client settings turned on inventarisation of "exe" files, it is working - everythig fine. Now i want to know who install the specific soft. The first idea - in NTFS there is such property as "Owner" and now question - how i could transfer this property to SCCM DB is there some way?

Any ideas please...

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This would have to be a very custom script to do this and there is no simple way to do this. Honestly why would you care about who the owner is of each exe? Most, if not all exe will be owned by Local System, particularly if the exe are installed using an MSI.

What is you end goal?

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