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SCCM 2012 SP1 OSD slow on some computers, fast on others

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SCCM 2012 SP1 running on VM (version 5.0.7804.1000)

Single Primary Site - DP & SQL on site server

No additional DP's or remote DP's

DP = HTTP selected for DP communication

Deploying only Win7 x64 images

Dell computer clients

Boundaries setup using Active Directory Site

Boot media - USB key (no PXE)



Started rolling out Windows 7 x64 images about 2 months ago. We have 200 clients upgraded to the new SCCM 2012 environment. Typical image time is about 60 minutes. Recently, I imported drivers for the new Dell 9020 All In One computer and added the NIC driver to the boot image. A couple days later, I noticed that some machines pretty much stall (i.e. takes 2-3 days to download WIM file I would guess) while other computers still image in 60 minutes or less. Here's the thing, I have two Dell E6400 laptops at my desk, one images fast and one images slow. I also have a Dell E6430 and a Dell 9010 All In One desktop, both use the same NIC driver - E6430 images fast and 9010AIO images slow.



When the Task Sequence Wizard starts, I can tell whether it will be a fast computer. When the wizard says "Retrieving policy for this computer...", it usually takes about 20 seconds on the slow computers. Also, it is slow when processing "Resolving task sequence dependencies" before the "Running Action: Applying Operating System" boot.wim download tries to start. The slow computer will take about 15-20 minutes before it gets to 1% for the boot.wim download.


Things I've tried:

  1. Removed 9020 All In One drivers
  2. Rebuilt the boot.wim from Windows ADK
  3. Imported a new bare Win7 operating system image (Win7R3.wim)
  4. Created new task sequence - very basic
  5. Update DP for all driver packages and task sequence packages
  6. Verified certificates are unblocked and has a valid expiration date (site signing, no PKI)
  7. Tried switching network jacks (fast computer to slow computer)
  8. Removed computer entries in CM12 console and imported fresh entries.
  9. Verified Network Access Account (NAA) account is valid and can get to the SCCM server. Removed and added back in.
  10. Verified ipconfig and diskpart from WinPE - gets IP address and lists the hard drive without issue
  11. Enabled/disabled "Allow clients to connect anonymously" on the DP
  12. Rebooted the CM12 server.
  13. Tried using DRVLOAD during WinPE to load different NIC drivers, but couldn't verify it was using those imported drivers other than the successful message after DRVLOAD command.


Looking at the smsts.log, it looks pretty clear with no errors. I compared the slow computer smsts.log with the fast computer smsts.log, both look very similar. Attached is a smsts.log file for a very basic task sequence (i.e. no app's or packages added, basically just format and load OS).




What am I missing here or what else should I verify?



It looks like the default WinPE already has the Intel 82579LM driver included. I'm still leaning towards the drivers as an issue but looking for other things to check. We haven't performed any installs on the server recently nor have we installed any windows updates in the past month.


Any help would be appreciated.


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VM host needed a reboot (possible network load balancing or vm host issue).

The server guys moved my CM12 server to a new vm host. Tested imaging - it worked. The original vm host was rebooted and the CM12 was moved back to its original location. Tested imaging - it worked.

The network file capture showed a bunch of out of order packets originally. He is going to do another capture with a working client and compare notes.

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