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pkgxfermgr.log missing Total Size: fields

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Within the pkgmger.log file I rarely get the Total Size: of the sending package. Some I do but rarely. I am writing a script and would like to read in the line and use that fields data to figure out percentage compete.

Looking at the package and program, I never set any estimated disk space or anything. Looking at SQL Table "SMSPackages_G" I do see a field with SourceSize that is populated?

Any Thoughts would be helpful.



Send Request 201L5~ Job: J9M39031 Destination: somewhere.COM~ State: Pending Status: Action: None~ Total size: 0 k Remaining: 0 k Heartbeat: 12:51~ Start: 12:00 Finish: 12:00 Retry: 12:51~ SWD PkgID: 00000218 SWD Pkg Version: 3 SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 12/31/2013 12:51:00 PM 4160 (0x1040)



Send Request 201KN~ Job: JR147N2W Destination: somewhere.com~ State: Pending Status: Action: Delete~ Total size: 6958930 k Remaining: 4435680 k Heartbeat: 18:00~ Start: 12:00 Finish: 12:00 Retry: 18:30~ SWD PkgID: WHQ00021 SWD Pkg Version: 2 SMS_PACKAGE_TRANSFER_MANAGER 12/30/2013 6:00:48 PM 4060 (0x0FDC)

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