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Windows 8.1 getting stuck at "Getting ready" stage after SCCM 2012 R2 task sequence

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Hello all,


We are deploying Windows 8.1 using SCCM 2012 R2 through PXE and we are having a really tough time getting it to work on Dell Latitude E7xxx series laptops. Here's what we are seeing:

  1. Boots into WinPE 5
  2. Disk format - completes
  3. Change bios settings using Dell's CCTK - completes
  4. Installs 8.1, sets windows settings, apply's network settings - completes
  5. Installs 8.1 drivers from dell - completes
  6. Installs Windows and Configuration Manager - completes
  7. Reboots - says getting devices ready - completes
  8. Does not resume the task sequence - says "Getting ready" - hangs and times out after several hours.


We also have Dell Latitude E6xxx series laptops that image successfully. Only our E7440 laptops are failing.

We have tried the following with no luck:

  • Hardware diagnostics checked out fine.
  • Took out the SSD and put in a platter.
  • Disabled every non essential hardware piece in the BIOS like the camera, microphone, etc.
  • Updated the BIOS.
  • Switched to Legacy Boot
  • Installed a different 8.1 WIM that was fresh off of an 8.1 CD.
  • Re-downloaded the CAB drivers.
  • Downloaded retail drivers and built a new driver package.
  • Only installed the auto drivers using the "Auto Apply Drivers" option.
  • Installed the OS with no driver option.
  • Installed Windows 8.1 with an USB drive and it installed successfully with no issues.
  • Tried installing a Windows 8 task sequence that works on our E6xxx series laptops - failed to even start.
  • Created a new task sequence with bare minimum options.


Has anybody seen this before?


Please let me know if you would like me to upload any logs or xml's of my task sequence.

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I am having the exact same issue. Have you had any luck with resolving it?


I am trying to redeploy Windows 8.1 to a HP ProBook 6470b for a second time. Also found the same Task Sequence on a different model laptop has the same effect. It worked fine the first time about a month or 2 ago but now I get this problem. I have searched through the logs and cannot fine anything significant.


I have also noticed that my unattended.xml file is not getting applied because I am asked for WIFI settings during the setup which shouldn't happen.


I have tried re advertising the deployment and re deploying the apps etc that are associated with the TS, still with no luck.


Are there any other suggestions of what to look for???



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Press F8 on the "Getting ready" screen


cd ccm

cd logs

notepad smsts.log and look at the last step (last step would be cmd /c when toy pressed F8, look before that)


...had the same once with the task sequence ending with a vbscript that never finished and was not visible

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I have done some further investigating and I believe that my problem is the fact that it is not joining the domain at the Apply Network Settings part of the TS. Because even after skipping the 'select wifi network' screen (usually hidden with the unattend.xml) it continues on but then fails when it tries to connect to the DP to get apps etc.


I have attached the smsts.log and setuperr.log files.


This is very strange because I re-imaged 5 laptops all the same model with the same TS, 2 completed without error and the other 3 have this problem.


Your assistance is very much appreciated!!





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here's the failure


Failed to run the action: Remove SmartInk Office Addins.
Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows)



which causes the task sequence to fail


Failed to run the last action: Remove SmartInk Office Addins. Execution of task sequence failed.
Incorrect function. (Error: 00000001; Source: Windows)



and that's failing because you are trying to delete something on the current user registry hive, which cannot work as the current user is SYSTEM,


ProgramName = 'cmd /c reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\SMARTInk-Word-All /f & cmd /c reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\PowerPoint\Addins\SMARTInk-PowerPoint-All /f & cmd /c reg delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\SMARTInk-Excel-All /f'



if you want to edit all users registry settings then mount the registry instead and make changes to the default User registry hive then unmount it and it will apply those settings to all users

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here's the failure



which causes the task sequence to fail



and that's failing because you are trying to delete something on the current user registry hive, which cannot work as the current user is SYSTEM,



if you want to edit all users registry settings then mount the registry instead and make changes to the default User registry hive then unmount it and it will apply those settings to all users


Thanks for looking at my logs. I have disabled that step in my TS and the problem still occurs. Any other suggestions?



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After some further work on this issue, and trying to work back on what other things I have have changed over the last few months. I found the issue to be that the device was no joining itself to the domain during the TS. Eventually I traced it back to and AD OU that had and & and a space in it. After removing those characters and changing it in SCCM it was able to join the domain and continued on with the TS no problems. However I still have the step that deletes those registry setting above disabled, i will work on getting that fixed.




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