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Client Push fails to a limited number of clients - statusagentproxy.dll fails to register

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I've got a handful (5 or 6) out of ~750 Windows clients that refuse to install the SCCM 2012 R2 client during an upgrade from SCCM 2007. Installation is failing each time with an error of statusagentproxy.dll failed to register. Has anyone seen this before?


Some searching around has yielded a handful of things to try including:


- Installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Service Pack 1 Redistributable Package MFC Security Update

- Total manual uninstallation of existing ccm clients with these instructions:

1. SMS Agent Host Service (administrative command prompt - sc delete ccmexec)
2. CCMSetup service (if present) (administrative command prompt - sc delete ccmsetup)
3. \windows\ccm directory
4. \windows\ccmsetup directory
5. \windows\ccmcache directory
6. \windows\smscfg.ini
7. \windows\sms*.mif (if present)
8. HKLM\software\Microsoft\ccm registry keys
9. HKLM\software\Microsoft\CCMSETUP registry keys
10. HKLM\software\Microsoft\SMS registry keys
11. If present HKLM\software\Microsoft\CCMReset registry keys
- Using ccmclean /all
I can post a client.msi.log if it would be helpful for diagnosis.

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