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Deploying Win 8.1 with two languages causing problems...

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Hi there


Been trying to solve this for weeks now (and with a previous Windows 8.0 deployment where I gave up)


Trying to deploy Windows 8.1 Enterprise en-GB based install.wim file using SCCM 2012 R2
Adding a Danish language pack offline (MDT 2013)
Setting Danish (da-DK) as default during installation using unattend.xml
Checking unattend.xml (C:\Windows\Panther\unattend\unattend.xml) after the "Setup Windows and Configuration manager" starts using F8 shows expetced settings under oobeSystem:

After the 2 restarts (After "Setup Windows and Configuration manager") C:\Windows\panther\UnattendGC\setupact.log shows:
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Starting MuiUnattend.exe GC
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] muiunattend is called with pass: oobeSystem
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Found unattend setting "UILanguage" with value: "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Found unattend setting "UILanguageFallback" with value: "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Found unattend setting "Systemlocale" with value: "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Found unattend setting "UserLocale" with value: "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Found unattend setting "InputLocale" with value: "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting UILanguage setting.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting UILanguage setting to da-DK succeded.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Failed to set da-DK as UILanguageFallback. error:87
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting system locale using unattended setting SystemLocale:"da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Set system locale to "da-DK" successfully.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting input locale using unattended setting InputLocale:"0406:00000406;0409:00000406" and apply the same setting to default user accont/system accounts/new user account.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Set input locale to "0406:00000406;0409:00000406" and apply the same setting to default user accont/system accounts/new user account successfully.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting user locale to using unattended setting UserLocale:"da-DK", and try apply the same settings to default user accont/system accounts/new user account.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Succeed in setting current user locale to "da-DK".
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Succeed in setting location to 61.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Succeed in copying settings for current user locale "da-DK" to default user/system/new user accounts.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Set user locale to "da-DK" successfully and apply the same settings to default user acconts/system account/new user account.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Applying user settings to all user (non-system) accounts.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Applying settings to user (non-system) accounts succeeded.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Setting OOBE handshake information succeeded.
[MUIUNATTEND.EXE] Exiting MuiUnattend.exe GC


"0409:00000406" is what I'm trying to get rid of!


Login as local administrator gives Danish language and keyboard AND a en-US language with danish keyboard in the bottom right corner

I've tried a millon things to get rid of that en-US thing but nothing helps
The goal here is a Danish Windows 8.1 Enterprise with the option of changing everything to en-GB without having to manually delete the en-US keyboard for new user profiles
http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh825682.aspx seems to indicate that this is expected behaviour as the Danish language pack includes "Secondary Language and Keyboard pairs" - "en-US: Danish (0409:00000406)" which is what I'm getting (0406 is Danish and 409 en-US)

Now i tried a Danish install.wim and adding an EN-GB language pack (offline - MDT 2013 task) - same result

Task sequence has been cut down to partitioning the drive, using MDT toolkit, gather, apply os, install language pack offline, apply windows settings, network settings, device drivers, setup windows and config mgr

My unattend.xml only includes
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">


Hope someone's been here before and can help - Thanks in advance




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If you can't fix it - hack it...


Created a package containing one program: Install.cmd

The cmd file contains:

Reg Load "HKLM\TempHive" "C:\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT"
Reg Add "HKLM\TempHive\Control Panel\International\User Profile" /v "Languages" /d "da" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /f
Reg Add "HKLM\TempHive\Control Panel\International\User Profile System Backup" /v "Languages" /d "da" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /f
Reg Delete "HKLM\TempHive\Control Panel\International\User Profile\en-us" /f
Reg Delete "HKLM\TempHive\Control Panel\International\User Profile System Backup\en-us" /f
Reg Delete "HKLM\TempHive\Keyboard Layout\Substitutes" /v "00000409" /f
Reg Delete "HKLM\TempHive\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v "2" /f
Reg Add "HKLM\TempHive\Keyboard Layout\Preload" /v "1" /d "00000406" /t REG_SZ /f
Reg Unload "HKLM\TempHive"


added it as the last step in my task sequence - problem solved

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hi dennis

have you seem the CM12 BitLocker Frontend HTA task sequence, it's mainly targetted at bitlocker users but has multi language capability built in as well, im port the task sequence from the zip and take a look at how the task sequence works, maybe it will help you

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Yes, that is a master piece you have made there :)
I installed it on our server a long time ago to see how you do different stuff and it's really a great reference to use
I've looked som more into the problem and it seems that this is not a language pack installation problem
My base WIM file in the updated Windows 8.1 ISO with update 1 in EN-GB (as in English-Great Britain - not English-United States)
I then add the .net framework (using sxs files from same ISO) and the Windows 8.1 RTM (Update 0) Danish Language Pack followed by a Language Pack Update (KB2938326 - whole process described on TechNet http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn613858.aspx)
When the installation is done and I log on as local administrator (or any other user with no roaming user profile) I end up with three language setting: Danish with Danish keybord, EN-GB with Danish keyboard, and EN-US with English keyboard
The "EN-GB with Danish keyboard" is the same problem as in the original post and I see it in the "unattend.xml" after the installation - InputLocale:"0406:00000406;0409:00000406"
My "fix" still fixes that but the "EN-US with English keyboard" still remains and I cannot see where it is comming from
I *think* this is a "Win 8.1 With Update 1" issue

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