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CAS Heirarchy Query

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Hi All


I am a systems admin at my company and have been trying to understand our currenty SCCM 2012 set up. We currently have a CAS with 2 primary sites which support multiple domains. I have been told that the choice to go for a CAS was for policital reasons but these reasons do not really seem to make any sense to me. The 2 primary sites are for our comapny which is the service provider and then for the company that we support.


Now if the company that we support chooses to go elsewhere and use a different provider can the primary site server which supports their domain be separated from the CAS heirarchy or would they need to start from scratch?


To me it seems that it would be better (maybe more of a management headache for the administrators though) to go down the route of having just primary site servers for each separate company.


Any advice would be appreciated.



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