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Last Status Update after 2012 R2 Upgrade not updating

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I am having the oddest problem, and I was wondering if anyone had some pointers or knows how I can get this working. After I upgraded from 2012 SP1 CU3 to 2012 R2, the status update date on the DP config status will not update at all, even though under each DP it is updating? I can still push content to them, but instead of getting a % of transfer that is complete I get the generic 'Detail will be available after the server finishes processing the messages'. I have tried to remove and re add the DP role to the DP's and am met with the same problem. I am assuming it's something is SQL but where to begin to look I have no idea.




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Has been a few weeks. I ended up finding the issue but I don't know if it was related to the update or not. Basically a ton of SQL commands got stuck in %Program Files%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\statmgr.box (5600+) and this was causing the problem. I ended the SMS_EXECUTIVE service, removed the oldest one, then restarted the service. Started to run everything sitting in that box right away.

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