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  1. I did test it again (and kept checking) and it did work in the end as expected. No idea what it was when it was not working, but works now, so I am happy!, thanks
  2. Yes, policies are evaluated & applied fine
  3. I understand, how it is supposed to work. But if I update the DP & then run it on a PC that never had it previously deployed then correct version is downloaded & executed (hence the version in DP is correct) But if I simply expect it to re-run on PC that had it previously deployed (and did run on it as part of schedule), then new .cmd is simply not downloaded & cached one is executed. That is what I see
  4. Ofcourse DP is updated! That what re-distribute action does Yet on client the .cmd is NOT downloaded new Seb
  5. I have a script that I need to run daily (via Package/Program deployment). Not a problem, set it to always re-run & it does it fine at scheduled times. But on weekly basis the script changes (version number inside). I can re-distribute it & add another schedule, but the new .bat never makes to the client from DP Client keeps re-running the existing (by now old) local cache .bat Only way I found is to re-create whole Package/Program & deploy it again. But I find it rather drastic. Anybody has a better idea? Seb
  6. Strangely worked when I re-run same TS on same machine, no idea why, but Windoze is mysterious...
  7. Used it since ever to pause TS & check around cmd/c start “cmd” /wait cmd But since using W10 1803 it simply does NOT wait! Instead cms get broken out instantly (without any interaction!) Process completed with exit code 0 ^C Command line cmd /c start “cmd” /wait cmd returned 0 Process completed with exit code 0 Clrl + C does NOT get invoked by keyboard! Anybody any ideas? Seb
  8. Did you manage to blog it? Thanks Seb
  9. Few years later & in current (latest & best) SCCM CB I have the very same issue Selecting AD group as criteria in query select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SecurityGroupName = "DOMAIN\\Some_Group" works perfectly (membership is populated) If I chose AD OU as criteria in query, it is hit & miss, mostly MISS select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceType,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Name,SMS_R_SYSTEM.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "DOMAIN_IN_FDQN/MY-COMPUTERS/SOME SUB OU/SOME OTHER SUB OU/ADMIN/THAT OFFICE" and SMS_R_System.SystemOUName = "DOMAIN_IN_FDQN/MY-COMPUTERS/SOME SUB OU/SOME OTHER SUB OU/ADMIN/THIS OFFICE" BOTH OU are selected from the Value box (that is the most ridiculous selection box possible!!! - can not be resized, it is too small, does not sort = total C**P) Yes no members are populated Any ideas how to get them (from OU query) Of course AD Discovery work fine, otherwise I could not select from that stupib box! Seb
  10. That is one drastic way. Might as well re-image the machine in question!
  11. It is not the most user friendly system to upgrade/move, but a possible. PXE (if you use it) will be a problem, as the scope will be most likely the same for both Migration works well, but workstation object when migrated looses MAC/GUID (hence is as good as NONE - I do NOT use unknown computers and never will!), so they must be re-created (not much of an issue really) Applications/Packages/drivers must have source path corrected (unless you are using the same) - again easy with a script to do it en masse Then everything need to be redistributed (unless you do it during migration, I did not even want to think about it) Site change on existing clients does not work well (but a possible with a cheat - you can search for my post on MS forums) So a lot of work, all in all. Sombody can have different experiences, and if they better than mine, then well done to them!
  12. That is plain image from ADK (which is just installed, not much one can do to it!) I can re-create them (plain, MDT), same difference each time (no extra tabs) I have tried it on at least a couple of independent installs (W10 LTSB 2016 client, ADK 1703 + fix, MTD 8433, CM Admin Console 1702) I can edit boot images (how often does one create them anyway?!) by hand just fine, so will not waste much time on it Just add to another MS misteries Seb edit Tried with all possible combinations of ADK 1607/1703 (using .wim from either) None makes any difference, newly created image in CM 1702 never has any extra customization tabls! I can create it on client, on server itself, never fails, but also never is editable
  13. I simply can NOT edit images that got created with ADK 1703 on SCCM CB 1702 running on Server 2012 R2 None of the options is there (they are there for ADK 1511 images) This one did not help PS U:\> Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SMS\site_BG1" -Class "SMS_BootImagePackage" -Filter "PackageId='BG1000013'" PS U:\>
  14. This has nice writeup
  15. CM Power Plan has an option for desktop computers when this is applied to collection wakeup timers are disabled! (I can enable them by hand of course - the picture below shows them enabled by hand) Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393] (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /list Existing Power Schemes (* Active) ----------------------------------- Power Scheme GUID: 36afc83e-6d90-4219-9f8d-622c73bb02f6 (Always On) Power Scheme GUID: 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e (Balanced) Power Scheme GUID: 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c (High performance) Power Scheme GUID: a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a (Power saver) Power Scheme GUID: db310065-829b-4671-9647-2261c00e86ef (Customized Peak (ConfigMgr)) * I could play with GPO Registry entries, but easier is to apply script from here $PowerSchemes = (powercfg.exe /LIST) | Select-String "power scheme guid" -List $AllowWakeTimersGUID = ((powercfg.exe /q) | Select-String "(Allow wake timers)").tostring().split(" ") | where {($_.length -eq 36) -and ([guid]$_)} foreach ($PowerScheme in $PowerSchemes) { $PowerSchemeGUID = $PowerScheme.tostring().split(" ") | where {($_.length -eq 36) -and ([guid]$_)} foreach ($Argument in ("/SETDCVALUEINDEX $PowerSchemeGUID SUB_SLEEP $AllowWakeTimersGUID 1","/SETACVALUEINDEX $PowerSchemeGUID SUB_SLEEP $AllowWakeTimersGUID 1")) { Start-Process powercfg.exe -ArgumentList $Argument -Wait -Verb runas -WindowStyle Hidden}} Not an ideal, as I would expect that Enabled really means Enabled Anybody else noticed it? Seb
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